Check Valve - (EWL) Mk4 Check Valve - 3/8JG In - 1/2" Serrated/Barbed Outlet With Cleaning Lever / Override


Check Valve - (EWL) Mk4 Check Valve - 3/8JG In - 1/2" Serrated/Barbed Outlet With Cleaning Lever / Override

RLBS are now the owner/manufacture of the EWL Mk4 Check Valve - 3/8JG In - 1/2" Serrated Outlet Tail With Cleaning Lever (Override)

Check Valve (Demand Valve) with 3/8" John Guest IN + 1/2" Serrated Outlet Tail for PVC Hose.

When actioned this “slide across” cleaning lever on the Check Valve, opens the valve so liquid can freely flow though without the need to pull on the handpump handle.  This action allows you, when cleaning, to run more than one handpull at once as no handle need to be pulled.

A Check Valve is used in the beer line just before the beer engine to stop the beer flowing forward through the beer engine when there is no demand (pump not being pulled).

If you are going to use this valve to stop siphoning in a none pressurised system in PVC hose you will most probably require the adaptor fitting for the inlet to make this into a barbed tail. This is product PI251216S

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